Monday, 28 May 2012

Detailed Production Roles

In the television industry, you have a variety amount of production roles, which need somebody to take responsibility and carry out there duties so that the production runs smoothly, especially during a live broadcast. Here is a list of production roles you will find in the television industry: Director, Producer, Vision Mixer, Floor Manager, Camera Operator and Runner.

The directors responsibilities during a Television production is to supervise the camera operators and give them orders of the types of shots he wants so that he can command the vision mixer who he is working closely with to switch to the next camera. He is also responsible to maintain order for the rest of the crew on the set and in the control room. He must meet key requirements of specific shots, which the producer asks for, the producer is the one who co-ordinates the whole show.

The producer’s main responsibility is to overlook everything the television show has to offer such as idea development, budgeting and hiring the crew. The producer can work with the director to decide upon the set design. The set design can be set up to look however the television has been pitched with a good budget and it can also involve certain designs to help position cameras to give a really good shot. Another responsibility of a producer is to keep everything scheduled and that the television program doesn’t fall behind.

The vision mixer is only present during live television due to the fact that pre-recorded television will require an editor to put all the different camera shots together. The vision mixer works closely with the director and communication and understanding is very important between these two production roles. The main responsibilities as a vision mixer is to switch between live video sources, which will be linked to the cameras being used, and to switch to pre recorded footage, title sequences, ending sequences, graphics and nametags also known as lower thirds. There is a lot of responsibility during this role and there is no room for mistakes as mistakes will be noticeable to the viewing audience.

The floor managers main duties within the industry is to work closely to the director based in the gallery room and regurgitate any information or instructions from the director, to the talent and crew on studio floor and then give the final outcome or result to the director. Other duties the floor manager has to carry out is to ensure that all equipment on the studio floor is working correctly before the shoot and during the shoot, if any problems are found, the problems must be solved by the floor manager as he is responsible for any technical problems on the studio floor.  They must count down the crew and talent so they have full understanding about what is going to happen next.

The floor manager needs to ensure that health and safety is always present on the studio floor and that regular check are always carried out so that any hazards are present which may cause injury.

The camera operating roles is in charge of their specific camera equipment. They are responsible of capturing the right shot bearing in mind the framing and other aspects, which affect the picture quality. They are also responsible for setting up their equipment before the show including tripod, camera, camera settings, cables, they will be guided by the director through communication via talkback systems. Camera operators can also offer shots, which may be creative or useful to the director.

The runner role is usually a junior role to help them gain experience on a studio floor. Runners carry out a vast amount of small responsibilities during a production such as carrying equipment, fetching equipment and doing odd jobs such as making drinks for the crew or talent until the runner has learned and gained experience to take on a bigger responsibility during productions.


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