Thursday, 12 January 2012

Content and Style

Content and Style of my news package

As a group, our news package has focused on the topic of Alcohol.

We have been research news packages by watching a variety of news packages on the Internet, these news packages target a wide audience, we have made comments on these news packages and developed idea’s for our own news package.

The content we are using starts with a live introduction to the package, which gives the headline of our news package and then a short summary of what our news package aims to do, which is shows the typical life of a student who drinks alcohol. During the short summary, general views of alcohol will be shown in video and image form. The next stage of our news package is to show a pre-recorded VT of interviews that was carried out asking possible questions we mind-mapped. There will be an appearance of a presenter on our news package as that is a common during news packages. The total running time of our news package will be no longer than five minutes.

The style we are using sticks to one colour scheme, the colour scheme being Red. The font needs to be reading and suitable for everybody viewing the news package. The font we considered was a sans serif as this type of font is easier to read rather than serif. The font we will use is Ariel as it is a professional looking front. The colour font we decided to use is White, as this will make the font easy to read using a Red colour scheme.

We will be using logos in our news package. This logo is a production logo that has been created ourselves which means the logo will be copyright free. The logo has been made to look professional and suitable to be added to the news package.

Here is an example of our first and final logo, which has been created by our producer Imogen Howkins. It was created using the software Adobe Photoshop. The first one was considerable poor standard. So using this as a draft she designed a new logo using more professionalism and sophistication. The final logo looks more tidy and neat when compared to the first logo.

First Logo

Final Logo

Another reason we had to change the group production logo was for the reason that using the first logo had a white background and white background couldn’t be used in the VT’s as would look very un-professional so we decided the inverse the colours with the text and the background.

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