Monday, 24 October 2011

News Package Concept

Groups have been selected at random. The group members including me are: Kassem Berraies, Imogen Howkins and Mikael Hasanzad. As a group together we got stuck into group idea's and started to mind map a few idea's on paper and this is what it looked like. We decided to choose different topics and give little factors of each topic which we could talk about.

Student Life

The cost of living

Student Accommodation
Food and Drink
Student Finance


The cost of smoking
The dangers of smoking
Dangers to others
Social smoking

The cost of alcohol
How much they people drink on a night out
Social drinking
Dangers of drinking
Age they started
How many units do they consume on a night out
Binge Drinking


The different type of drugs
The classifications
The dangers of drugs
The costs of drugs

After researching four different topics, everybody seemed interesting on the topic of Alcohol and we all had experience and knowledge with Alcohol and seen this as our strong point so we decided to base our news package on this topic. All research was primary research between the group members.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Drink Awareness News Package

News Package Assignment

"News and current affairs-based television frequently utilises "package" based content allowing moderately in-depth analysis of current newsworthy topics. This module permits the individual student to "pitch" and research such a topic in depth and produce a news package for use within a broadcast TV context."

Group 2

  • Luke
  • Kassem
  • Imogen
  • Mikael
We grouped together and started to research idea's to cover for our news package. We came up with idea's such as;

  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Student Life

Then we all agreed to focus on Alcohol and the involvement of students and health.

We did some primary research between ourselves with on the alcohol topic which we jotted down on paper. Then we did some secondary research on the internet. We found quite a lot of useful information when doing the secondary research. I found a website which contained a lot of information which can use as coverages for the news package such as the effects of alcohol, statistics of alcohol and much more.

We are also going to use the topic Smoking, this will be our secondary idea, we gathered some information about smoking which is suitable and interesting news for our coverage.

The research we gathered was two different types of research known as Primary and Secondary research.

Primary research is where information comes directly from the source. It can also be information you collect yourself. A source of primary research would be an original document containing first hand information about a specific topic. Example of primary research techniques would be;

  • Diaries
  • Interviews
  • Photographs
  • Videos
Secondary research is where informations that someone else has collected and published. The best way to describe a source of secondary research would be information gathered from primary research and regurgitated which leaves an interpretation of someone else's analysis. Example of these research techniques would be;

  • Biographies
  • Abstracts
  • Journal Articles
  • Newspapers